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Easy Ren International Claimed

‘Easy’ - We do all the hard works to keep you easy.

Easy Ren International is dedicated to enhancing your property’s long-term value with top-notch services.

Services Provided:

  1. General Contractor
  2. Interior Design
  3. Masonry Work
  4. Tiling Work
  5. Flooring Work
  6. Ceiling Work
  7. Carpenter Work
  8. Window Glass and Aluminium
  9. Roofing Work
  10. Decoration, Finishing and Painting Work
  11. Electrical and Plumbing Work
  12. Window Grille and Door Grille

Browse through their portfolio to view the completed projects.

Discover more about the best renovation contractors in Kuala Lumpur.


Q Why choosing us?

Providing finest professional service to property owners, investors and developers, and helping individual to sought after ideal place to live.
